44: Science Outbreaks!

There are too many wild Pokémon! If you're working for the Museo Capolina's science branch, you'll be charged with taking care of them, as well as the dangerous Titan Pokémon, such as today's new fakemon.

Email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

43: Areas of Rencia

We're filling in the parts of Rencia between all the cities - once upon a time that meant routes, but in today's new-fangled Pokémon games we call them areas! And how about a new fakemon to catch in one of those areas?

Email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

42: Gym Leader Stella

We've got a 3-for-1 special today, because we're bringing you all of the final 3 gym leaders for Pokémon Marble & Bronze! It's time for Rencia's gym path to be history, so here's one final ace fakemon!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

41: Gym Leader Wendy

Sorry for the delay on this one, folks, editing was not a breeze. But guesting to create a new gym leader and their signature fakemon sure was a breeze for Mikey of Pokémon Crossroads!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

Check out Mikey: http://twitter.com/PKMNCrossroads

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

40: Idol Orelda

Who's that Pokémon!? It's... a Poké Ball? Something isn't right here. Perhaps Idol Orelda can help figure this out, alongside her new fakemon... wherever it's hiding.

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

39: Idol Rey

Ladies and gentlemen, from the Sky Pillar, weighing in at a combined 864lbs, Idol Rey, and his manager, Thom! Join us for the match of the century to learn about his Contest Magnifico, and his Pokémon partner!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

Check out Thom: http://twitter.com/AlbionGraves

And his podcast: http://twitter.com/GMMCast

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

38: Grand Contest Magnifico

For the history path, the Elite Four and Champion are set up, so now let's end the art path, with the Grand Contest Magnifico, the Grand Idol, and their Grand Pseudo-Legendary Partner Pokémon!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:
JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD
Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

37: Elite Quattro

We're back from hiatus to bring you the Elite Quattro - that is, the Elite Four of Rencia! But as our gym leaders bucked the trend of type themed teams, how will our Elite Four battle? Well, one of them will battle with today's new fakemon!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:
JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD
Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

36: The Road to Champion

So once you've collected your Pokémon badges or ribbons, where do you go? Today we're answering that question by creating new cities that are inspired by locations within Italy - but not in Italy. And we have a fearsome fakemon for you as one of your final challenges in Rencia!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

35: Filling Out the Party

What's a party without exactly three friends? But we want to make sure you have friends to spare, so we're making a bunch of new party members for your team in Pokémon Marble & Bronze, with different field abilities and partners, including a new cross-generation fakemon!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

34: Regional Variants

It's another episode of Oops All Who's that Pokémon! Today, we're building our collection of Rencian regional variant fakemon.

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

33: Idol Aria

Today's guest is pretty sure she can come up with a new idea for a Pokémon. After all, there's only, like, eight Pokémon so far, right? Britty Lea, head of the Pocket Podcast Network and cohost of Colt Classics is here to learn more than she ever thought she would about Pokémon.

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

Check out Britty: https://linktr.ee/brittyleafilm

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

32: Gym Leader Hoshi

Coming to you from across time and space, we have an episode recorded in England last August. We have a new gym leader, brought to us by JD's best friend Chris. Let's learn about the incredible journey taken by him and his signature fakemon.

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

31: Rencian Rivals

Museo Capolina has three research branches, and you can only focus on one - but that's where your rivals come in! Meet the characters joining you as a new research intern to help study all Rencia has to offer. And meet some new fakemon with the best new pun names!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

30: Companion Sylvia

Today we have the return of the mind that brought us Playssum and Gym Leader Gwen - it's Gwen! This time she's bringing us just the sweetest companion character, and their even sweeter fakemon!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

Check out Gwen's podcast: http://twitter.com/GMMCast

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

29: Twist Villain

Let's take off this mask and find out who the real villain is! *Gasp* The Museum Curator! Yep, turns out there's more villainy afoot in Rencia than just Team Royal, so let's learn about the real evil mastermind, and their iconic signature Rencian fakemon.

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

28: Towns of Rencia Part 2

It's back to the map as we turn more Italian cities into towns you can find exploring Rencia in Pokémon Marble & Bronze. We have a new fakemon line that'll be a great help to explore certain areas, too!

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

27: Idol Learta

We art going to tell you what the theme of Rencia's latest Pokémon Idol is - but can you guess? The Pokémon used in this Contest Magnifico are the very model of Marble & Bronze's art path. And I tell you no lie! That would be Alex's new fakemon.

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

26: Gym Leader Ken

Friends, Rencians, countrymen, lend me your ears for another episode of PokéMakers! We've got some new fakemon for you connected to some of the most Roman Pokémon of all time, and a new gym leader who is most certainly Kenough.

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop

25: Towns of Rencia Part 1

We're setting off to explore Rencia, building up several of its most notable towns and cities. Find out how we're adapting Venice, Milan, Naples, and Bologna to the world of Pokémon, and meet a new fakemon inspired by Italian invention.

Find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/PokeMakers or email us at fiercepodcasts@gmail.com. Let us know if you'd like to share anything with us, from concepts to artwork!

You can also find us individually on Twitter and elsewhere:

JD - http://twitter.com/CodenameJD

Alex - http://twitter.com/Ptchew

Check out the Pocket Podcast Network: http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/

And join us on the PPN Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/h2V3VzmXkD

Find the PokéMakers merch store at http://www.pocketpodcastnetwork.com/shop